Blanco-Hernández E, Balsamo G, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A.
Sensory and behavioral modulation of thalamic head-direction cells.
Nat Neurosci. 2024 Jan;27(1):28-33. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01506-1. Epub 2024 Jan 4. PMID: 38177338.
Hodapp A, Kaiser ME, Thome C, Ding L, Rozov A, Klumpp M, Stevens N, Stingl M, Sackmann T, Lehmann N, Draguhn A, Burgalossi A, Engelhardt M, Both M.
Dendritic axon origin enables information gating by perisomatic inhibition in pyramidal neurons.
Science. 2022, 377:1448-1452. doi: 10.1126/science.abj1861
Balsamo G, Blanco-Hernández E, Liang F, Naumann RK, Coletta S, Burgalossi A, Preston-Ferrer P.
Modular microcircuit organization of the presubicular head-direction map.
Cell Reports. 2022, 39:110684. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110684
Ding L, Balsamo G, Chen H, Blanco-Hernandez E, Zouridis IS, Naumann R, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A.
Juxtacellular opto-tagging of hippocampal CA1 neurons in freely moving mice.
Elife. 2022 (11) e71720. doi: 10.7554/eLife.71720
Clerke J, Preston-Ferrer P, Zouridis IS, Tissot A, Batti L, Voigt FF, Pagès S, Burgalossi A, Mameli M.
Output-Specific Adaptation of Habenula-Midbrain Excitatory Synapses During Cocaine Withdrawal.
Front Synaptic Neurosci. 2021, 13:643138. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2021.643138.
Ding L, Chen H, Diamantaki M, Coletta S, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A*
Structural Correlates of CA2 and CA3 Pyramidal Cell Activity in Freely-Moving Mice
Journal of Neuroscience doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0099-20.2020 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Coletta S, Zeraati R, Nasr K, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A*
Interspike Interval Analysis and Spikelets in Presubicular Head-Direction Cells
Journal of Neurophysiology doi: 10.1152/jn.00019.2018 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Diamantaki M(1), Coletta S(1), Nasr K, Zeraati R, Laturnus S, Berens P, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A*
Manipulating Hippocampal Place Cell Activity by Single-Cell Stimulation in Freely Moving Mice
Cell Reports doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.03.031 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* corresponding author
Naumann R(1), Preston-Ferrer P(1), Brecht M, Burgalossi A*
Structural modularity and grid activity in the medial entorhinal cortex
Journal of Neurophysiology doi: 10.1152/jn.00574.2017 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* corresponding author
Coletta S, Frey M, Nasr K, Preston-Ferrer P* and Burgalossi A*
Testing the efficacy of single-cell stimulation in biasing presubicular head-direction activity
Journal of Neuroscience pii: 1814-17. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1814-17.2018 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Preston-Ferrer P and Burgalossi A
Linking neuronal structure to function in the rodent hippocampus: a methodological prospective
Cell and Tissue Research doi: 10.1007/s00441-017-2732-7 link to pubmed
Niethard N, Burgalossi A and Born J
Plasticity during Sleep Is Linked to Specific Regulation of Cortical Circuit Activity
Front Neural Circuits. 2017; 11: 65. link to pubmed
Ray S, Burgalossi A, Brecht M and Naumann RK
Complementary modular microcircuits of the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Front. Syst. Neurosci.11:20. doi: 10.3389. link to pubmed
GoodSmith D, Chen X, Wang C, Kim SH, Song H, Burgalossi A, Christian KM, Knierim JJ.
Spatial Representations of Granule Cells and Mossy Cells of the Dentate Gyrus.
Neuron 93(3):677-690.e5. link to pubmed
Diamantaki M, Frey M, Berens P, Preston-Ferrer P*, Burgalossi A*
Sparse activity of identified dentate granule cells during spatial exploration.
eLife pii: e20252. doi: 10.7554/eLife.20252 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Ebbesen CL, Reifenstein ET, Tang Q, Burgalossi A, Ray S, Schreiber S, Kempter R, Brecht M
Cell Type-Specific Differences in Spike Timing and Spike Shape in the Rat Parasubiculum and Superficial Medial Entorhinal Cortex
Cell Reports 16(4):1005-15. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.06.057 link to pubmed
Preston Ferrer P, Coletta S, Frey M and Burgalossi A*
Anatomical Organization of Presubicular Head-Direction Circuits
eLife pii: e14592. doi: 10.7554/eLife.14592 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Tang Q, Burgalossi A*, Ebbesen CL, Sanguinetti-Scheck JI, Schmidt H, Tukker JJ, Naumann R, Ray S, Preston-Ferrer P, Schmitz D and Brecht M*
Functional Architecture of the Rat Parasubiculum
Journal of Neuroscience 36(7):2289-301 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Diamantaki M, Frey M, Preston-Ferrer P and Burgalossi A*
Priming Spatial Activity by Single-Cell Stimulation in the Dentate Gyrus of Freely Moving Rats
Current Biology pii: S0960-9822(15)01584-5 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Tukker JJ, Tang Q, Burgalossi A and Brecht M*
Head-Directional Tuning and Theta Modulation of Anatomically Identified Neurons in the Presubiculum
Journal of Neuroscience 35(46):15391-5 link to pubmed
Tang Q, Ebbesen C, Sanguinetti-Scheck J, Preston-Ferrer P, Gundlfinger A, Winterer J, Beed P, Ray S, Naumann R, Schmitz D, Brecht M* and Burgalossi A*
Anatomical organization and spatiotemporal firing patterns of layer 3 neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex
Journal of Neuroscience 5(36):12346-54 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Tang Q (1), Burgalossi A (1) *, Ebbesen C (1), Ray S, Naumann R, Schmidt H, Spicher D and Brecht M*
Pyramidal and Stellate Cell Specificity of Grid and Border Representations in Layer 2 of Medial Entorhinal Cortex
Neuron 84(6):1191-7 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* corresponding author
Tang Q, Brecht M* and Burgalossi A*
Juxtacellular recording and morphological identification of single neurons in freely moving rats
Nature Protocols 9(10):2369-81 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Burgalossi A, von Heimendahl M and Brecht M.
Deep layer neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex fire sparsely irrespective of spatial novelty
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8:74 link to pubmed
Ray S*,Naumann R*, Burgalossi A*, Tang Q*, Schmidt H* and Brecht M.
Grid-layout and Theta-modulation of Layer 2 Pyramidal Neurons in Medial Entorhinal Cortex
Science 343(6173):891-6 link to pubmed
* equally contributing
Burgalossi A and Brecht M.
Cellular, columnar and modular organization of spatial representations in medial entorhinal cortex.
Current Opinions in Neurobiology 24:47-54 link to pubmed
Brecht M, Ray S, Burgalossi A, Tang Q, Schmidt H, Naumann R
An isomorphic mapping hypothesis of the grid representation
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369:20120521 link to pubmed
Beed P, Gundlfinger A, Schneiderbauer S, Song J, Böhm C, Burgalossi A, Vida E, Brecht M, Leibold C and Scmitz D.
Inhibitory gradient along the dorsoventral axis of medial entorhinal cortex.
Neuron 79:1197-207 link to pubmed
Herfst L (1), Burgalossi A (1) *, Haskic K (1), Schmidt M and Brecht M.
Friction-based stabilization of juxtacellular recordings in freely-moving animals.
Journal of Neurophysiology 108:697-707 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* Corresponding Author
Burgalossi A, Jung SJ, Man KN, Nair R, Jockusch WJ, Wojcik SM, Brose N and Rhee JS. Analysis of neurotransmitter release mechanisms by photolysis of caged Ca2+ in an autaptic neuron culture system.
Nature Protocols 7:1351-65 link to pubmed
Burgalossi A*, Herfst L, von Heimendahl M, Förste H, Haskic K, Schmidt M, Brecht M*.
Microcircuits of functionally identified neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Neuron 70:773-86 link to pubmed
* Corresponding Authors
Burgalossi A, Jung S, Meyer G, Jockusch WJ, Jahn O, Taschenberger H, O'Connor VM, Nishiki T, Takahashi M, Brose N, Rhee JS.
SNARE protein recycling by alphaSNAP and betaSNAP supports synaptic vesicle priming.
Neuron 68:473-87 link to pubmed
Blanco-Hernández E, Balsamo G, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A.
Sensory and behavioral modulation of thalamic head-direction cells.
Nat Neurosci. 2024 Jan;27(1):28-33. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01506-1. Epub 2024 Jan 4. PMID: 38177338.
Hodapp A, Kaiser ME, Thome C, Ding L, Rozov A, Klumpp M, Stevens N, Stingl M, Sackmann T, Lehmann N, Draguhn A, Burgalossi A, Engelhardt M, Both M.
Dendritic axon origin enables information gating by perisomatic inhibition in pyramidal neurons.
Science. 2022, 377:1448-1452. doi: 10.1126/science.abj1861
Balsamo G, Blanco-Hernández E, Liang F, Naumann RK, Coletta S, Burgalossi A, Preston-Ferrer P.
Modular microcircuit organization of the presubicular head-direction map.
Cell Reports. 2022, 39:110684. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110684
Ding L, Balsamo G, Chen H, Blanco-Hernandez E, Zouridis IS, Naumann R, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A.
Juxtacellular opto-tagging of hippocampal CA1 neurons in freely moving mice.
Elife. 2022 (11) e71720. doi: 10.7554/eLife.71720
Clerke J, Preston-Ferrer P, Zouridis IS, Tissot A, Batti L, Voigt FF, Pagès S, Burgalossi A, Mameli M.
Output-Specific Adaptation of Habenula-Midbrain Excitatory Synapses During Cocaine Withdrawal.
Front Synaptic Neurosci. 2021, 13:643138. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2021.643138.
Ding L, Chen H, Diamantaki M, Coletta S, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A*
Structural Correlates of CA2 and CA3 Pyramidal Cell Activity in Freely-Moving Mice
Journal of Neuroscience doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0099-20.2020 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Coletta S, Zeraati R, Nasr K, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A*
Interspike Interval Analysis and Spikelets in Presubicular Head-Direction Cells
Journal of Neurophysiology doi: 10.1152/jn.00019.2018 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Diamantaki M(1), Coletta S(1), Nasr K, Zeraati R, Laturnus S, Berens P, Preston-Ferrer P, Burgalossi A*
Manipulating Hippocampal Place Cell Activity by Single-Cell Stimulation in Freely Moving Mice
Cell Reports doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.03.031 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* corresponding author
Naumann R(1), Preston-Ferrer P(1), Brecht M, Burgalossi A*
Structural modularity and grid activity in the medial entorhinal cortex
Journal of Neurophysiology doi: 10.1152/jn.00574.2017 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* corresponding author
Coletta S, Frey M, Nasr K, Preston-Ferrer P* and Burgalossi A*
Testing the efficacy of single-cell stimulation in biasing presubicular head-direction activity
Journal of Neuroscience pii: 1814-17. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1814-17.2018 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Preston-Ferrer P and Burgalossi A
Linking neuronal structure to function in the rodent hippocampus: a methodological prospective
Cell and Tissue Research doi: 10.1007/s00441-017-2732-7 link to pubmed
Niethard N, Burgalossi A and Born J
Plasticity during Sleep Is Linked to Specific Regulation of Cortical Circuit Activity
Front Neural Circuits. 2017; 11: 65. link to pubmed
Ray S, Burgalossi A, Brecht M and Naumann RK
Complementary modular microcircuits of the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Front. Syst. Neurosci.11:20. doi: 10.3389. link to pubmed
GoodSmith D, Chen X, Wang C, Kim SH, Song H, Burgalossi A, Christian KM, Knierim JJ.
Spatial Representations of Granule Cells and Mossy Cells of the Dentate Gyrus.
Neuron 93(3):677-690.e5. link to pubmed
Diamantaki M, Frey M, Berens P, Preston-Ferrer P*, Burgalossi A*
Sparse activity of identified dentate granule cells during spatial exploration.
eLife pii: e20252. doi: 10.7554/eLife.20252 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Ebbesen CL, Reifenstein ET, Tang Q, Burgalossi A, Ray S, Schreiber S, Kempter R, Brecht M
Cell Type-Specific Differences in Spike Timing and Spike Shape in the Rat Parasubiculum and Superficial Medial Entorhinal Cortex
Cell Reports 16(4):1005-15. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.06.057 link to pubmed
Preston Ferrer P, Coletta S, Frey M and Burgalossi A*
Anatomical Organization of Presubicular Head-Direction Circuits
eLife pii: e14592. doi: 10.7554/eLife.14592 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Tang Q, Burgalossi A*, Ebbesen CL, Sanguinetti-Scheck JI, Schmidt H, Tukker JJ, Naumann R, Ray S, Preston-Ferrer P, Schmitz D and Brecht M*
Functional Architecture of the Rat Parasubiculum
Journal of Neuroscience 36(7):2289-301 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Diamantaki M, Frey M, Preston-Ferrer P and Burgalossi A*
Priming Spatial Activity by Single-Cell Stimulation in the Dentate Gyrus of Freely Moving Rats
Current Biology pii: S0960-9822(15)01584-5 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Tukker JJ, Tang Q, Burgalossi A and Brecht M*
Head-Directional Tuning and Theta Modulation of Anatomically Identified Neurons in the Presubiculum
Journal of Neuroscience 35(46):15391-5 link to pubmed
Tang Q, Ebbesen C, Sanguinetti-Scheck J, Preston-Ferrer P, Gundlfinger A, Winterer J, Beed P, Ray S, Naumann R, Schmitz D, Brecht M* and Burgalossi A*
Anatomical organization and spatiotemporal firing patterns of layer 3 neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex
Journal of Neuroscience 5(36):12346-54 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Tang Q (1), Burgalossi A (1) *, Ebbesen C (1), Ray S, Naumann R, Schmidt H, Spicher D and Brecht M*
Pyramidal and Stellate Cell Specificity of Grid and Border Representations in Layer 2 of Medial Entorhinal Cortex
Neuron 84(6):1191-7 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* corresponding author
Tang Q, Brecht M* and Burgalossi A*
Juxtacellular recording and morphological identification of single neurons in freely moving rats
Nature Protocols 9(10):2369-81 link to pubmed
* corresponding author
Burgalossi A, von Heimendahl M and Brecht M.
Deep layer neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex fire sparsely irrespective of spatial novelty
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8:74 link to pubmed
Ray S*,Naumann R*, Burgalossi A*, Tang Q*, Schmidt H* and Brecht M.
Grid-layout and Theta-modulation of Layer 2 Pyramidal Neurons in Medial Entorhinal Cortex
Science 343(6173):891-6 link to pubmed
* equally contributing
Burgalossi A and Brecht M.
Cellular, columnar and modular organization of spatial representations in medial entorhinal cortex.
Current Opinions in Neurobiology 24:47-54 link to pubmed
Brecht M, Ray S, Burgalossi A, Tang Q, Schmidt H, Naumann R
An isomorphic mapping hypothesis of the grid representation
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369:20120521 link to pubmed
Beed P, Gundlfinger A, Schneiderbauer S, Song J, Böhm C, Burgalossi A, Vida E, Brecht M, Leibold C and Scmitz D.
Inhibitory gradient along the dorsoventral axis of medial entorhinal cortex.
Neuron 79:1197-207 link to pubmed
Herfst L (1), Burgalossi A (1) *, Haskic K (1), Schmidt M and Brecht M.
Friction-based stabilization of juxtacellular recordings in freely-moving animals.
Journal of Neurophysiology 108:697-707 link to pubmed
(1) Equally Contributing
* Corresponding Author
Burgalossi A, Jung SJ, Man KN, Nair R, Jockusch WJ, Wojcik SM, Brose N and Rhee JS. Analysis of neurotransmitter release mechanisms by photolysis of caged Ca2+ in an autaptic neuron culture system.
Nature Protocols 7:1351-65 link to pubmed
Burgalossi A*, Herfst L, von Heimendahl M, Förste H, Haskic K, Schmidt M, Brecht M*.
Microcircuits of functionally identified neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Neuron 70:773-86 link to pubmed
* Corresponding Authors
Burgalossi A, Jung S, Meyer G, Jockusch WJ, Jahn O, Taschenberger H, O'Connor VM, Nishiki T, Takahashi M, Brose N, Rhee JS.
SNARE protein recycling by alphaSNAP and betaSNAP supports synaptic vesicle priming.
Neuron 68:473-87 link to pubmed
Burgalossi Lab - Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience - Otfried-Müller-Str. 25, 72076 Tübingen (Germany)